Tuesday 25 September 2012

A Government of nonchallance

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The closure of the Lokoja-Abuja highway which had cut off Abuja, Nigeria"s capital city due to flooding of roads and  bridges along the Abuja-Lokoja Highway, signposts the extent of our decayed national infrastructure and exposes the incapable hands enthrusted to salvage them.

However, even worse is the fact that President Goodluck Jonathan has not deemed it fit to comment on this disaster, neither has there been any visit by a federal minister or any co-ordinate response to the disaster, from the central government.
On a weekend of multiple disasters, such as the Lokoja flooding, the bomb blast in Bauchi and the two weeks of non-stop flooding all around the country; the president's handler showed more concern in Informing Nigerians about President Jonathan's trip to the United Nations General Assembly summit, than explaining or proposing a co-ordinated response to the calamities.

The continued bungling of the Boko Haram insurgence which is harvesting more deaths almost on a daily basis, the unstoppable carnage on our roads, the executive somersault of the Administration on policy issues and in general, the slow unfocused and uncertain responses of government to issues depict a government of nonchalance.

 To put it straight, may the good Lord help his Government.

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