Friday 11 January 2013

A 6month old Nigerian baby kidnapped in South Africa

 Six month old Nigerian baby, Revelation Jones, was on Tuesday January 8th abducted by his parents neighbours, a couple believed to be Pakistanis. The couple, who have three children of their own,  allegedly attacked Revelation's nanny, leaving her for dead and also locked up a six year old girl in the house, as they took the baby.

The father of the abducted baby, Ifeanyi Jones, said for several hours he and his wife Khanyisile had been phoning the nanny and the house, and no one had picked up the phone. The Nanny’s husband, Daniel Kanda, said his wife had told him the attack had taken place early in the morning. She was carrying the baby when the couple attacked her. “They wrestled as the couple was trying to pull the baby from her; until she fell to the ground, and (the couple) started attacking her. They were attacking her with shoes. The man tied a rope around her neck, that is when she collapsed,” he said.

During the attack, Jones’s daughter said she and the tenants’ three children had hid under a chair in one of the rooms. She told her father that when the wife noticed her watching them, she grabbed a pillow, pressed it against her face and pushed her into her parents’ room, locking the door. “She saw them carry out her brother and lock the door,” said Jones. Kanda was taken to hospital, where she is in a critical condition, with head injuries.
The tenants moved into the house on 5 December, last year. The husband, who only gave his name as Bobby, told Jones that the family had come from Durban. They had been staying at a nearby hotel, but said it had become expensive. At the end of the month, the couple said they didn’t have enough money to pay the rent and asked for a few days’ grace.
Last week, the Joneses became suspicious when they noticed that something had been added to their food that was cooking on the stove. They later gave the food to the family, who they then discovered had dumped it in the garden. Jones suspects that they might have poisoned the food. “I think now that their motive was to come and do harm,” he said.
Police investigators are now searching for the Pakistanis, who have demanded a R100, 000 ransom, a day after the two alleged kidnappers walked out of Jones’s Bez Valley home with baby Revelation. Police are investigating a case of kidnapping and attempted murder, appealing to anyone who may know the Pakistani couple’s whereabouts to come forward with information.

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