Thursday 28 February 2013

Scientist Proposes Marriage to his Girlfriend with Physics Paper

Jumping from airplanes, flash mobs, and public declarations have become popular methods of proposing marriage but an Australian physicist named Brandon took a more subdued but equally creative approach when proposing to Christie, his physicist girlfriend of seven years by way of an "academic paper."
Not much is known about the couple but it's clear the two met roughly seven years ago at a gathering with work friends on a rainy day, were immediately attracted to each other and became an item that May. The paper includes anecdotes about their relationship such as, "The study began on the 23rd of March, 05, outside a SciSoc BBQ at the Eastern Avenue building, when the subject spontaneously appeared in a red coat and grey 'Paddington bear' hat and was similarly spontaneously introduced by a local social node" , "Additional tests conducted on a consistent annual basis during this phase included a two week separation (NMSS) and a surprise (Project Valentine)" and "In the second half of this phase, additional tests included the effects of marital arts training for both subjects, and the effects of a consistent weekly multi-body interaction facilitated by homemade food."

Other gems allude to romantic vacations the couple took ("Over the course of this phase of the study, the locational dependence of the results was tested across two main long term locations as well as a multitude of short term locations local, interstate, and international") and to them possibly living together or moving to a new location ("The third phase of the study involved isolating the two body interaction in a new long term location").

The paper even includes a "Happiness graph" that continues upward and ends with the statement "The author proposes to Christie the indefinite continuation of the study." The box is checked by Christie as proof she accepted.

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