Saturday 12 March 2016

Why is Lekki Gardens MD in prison while TB Joshua walks free?-Freeze Cool Fm writes

Following the arrest and remand of the MD of Lekki Gardens, after the collapse of their latest project which claimed the lives of over 20 people; a lot of people have voiced their opinions, stating why no arrest has been made against TB Joshua after his church building collapse which claimed over a hundred people. OAP freeze and also expressed his concern and he stated thus:

What really is Justice???
I have no qualms seeing a young man who committed a crime pay for that crime. Life is sad, before Richard came along, you could not dream of buying a house in LEKKI for 20million naira, his dream was to make choice housing affordable and available. Somewhere down the line mistakes were made and lives were lost! And yes I agree...... Someone must pay!
Now my questions;

Why is he in handcuffs and remanded in prison when that 'prophet' whose building collapsed and killed more people than Ebola, Lassa fever and this alleged 'LEKKI gardens' put together is walking free??? Why is that prophet not in handcuffs too??? It was even alleged, that he didn't show up in court the last time the courts sat. Is this true??? If it is true, then why is Richard 'remanded' in prison while Mr prophet 'comes from home'??? Is there a special court for 'prophets' or do we have special 'laws' for them???
Is our government afraid of prophets???
Are the people who lost their lives in the Church less valuable than the people who lost their lives in the LEKKI Gardens saga?
My humble advice: Richard should be released to go home and attend hearings from home like the 'prophet'. Or the 'prophet' should be picked up, handcuffed and locked in the same cell with Richard while he attends trial!
Or does the change we voted for include turning Nigeria into the African version of George Orwell's 'Animal Farm', where "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others?"
I might not know law and justice, but I definitely know injustice!
I appeal to everyone to lend their voice to this and ensure we have 'JUSTICE FOR ALL'
Please retweet this hashtag untill we are heard! #Justice4A


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