Tuesday 25 June 2013

A Must Read: Pop's Poisonous Princess called Rihanna

This article was written by a British journalist Liz Jones;  it describes how Rihanna is setting a bad example for her younger followers and more................Read article below: 

The first time I met Rihanna, the pop princess was seated next to Vogue editor Anna Wintour wearing a demure dress, with her hair in ringlets, for all the world as though she was Shirley Temple.
She sipped at her flute of champagne throughout dinner and clearly had one thing in mind: appearing on the cover of American Vogue (she got it, too, in November last year) and possibly a high-end fashion advertising campaign of the kind Ms Wintour can facilitate.
The second encounter I had with her was during London Fashion Week last February.
Rihanna came down the catwalk at the end of the presentation of her first collection for teen label River Island, for which she was reportedly paid £800,000.

 She looked pretty. She wasn’t exposing any under-boob. She certainly wasn’t pretending to ram a jewelled microphone into her nether regions, as she has been doing on stage of late.


Her teenage female fans queued around the block that night to catch a glimpse of their idol, who has sold more than 100 million records around the world.

Her collection — while undoubtedly racy enough to raise a few parental eyebrows, with hot pants and crop tops — just about erred on the side of decency.

Yet those same parents will have been horrified by the pictures which emerged this week of the 25-year-old Barbadian-born star. Photographed with two giant, phallic spliffs in her red-lipsticked mouth, Rihanna posted the picture on Twitter for her 30 million followers to enjoy.
Most of these ‘followers’, of course, are young girls. Those same girls, some as young as eight or nine, have been packing out her concerts at Twickenham this month, as part of her sell-out UK tour.
They writhe and pout along to her suggestive lyrics in a disturbing mimicry of adult sexuality

Is it fair that we berate female stars for being bad, when we don’t admonish men in the same way? Yes, it is fair. Because young women are far more impressionable than young men.

They want to be Rihanna, have her lifestyle, her clothes, her men, her habits.
I wish she’d stop infecting our High Streets with her gun tattoos, her false nails and fake hair, her bogus bad-ass shenanigans that try to portray her as ‘real’, as ‘street’, as her own person, as strong and single-minded.

While Rihanna knows when to tone it down in order to pull in advertising deals and keep her record label sweet — so much so that she has enough dollar bills to use them as a carpet, and so many diamonds she can pretend to smoke them in a spliff, both things she’s been pictured doing — the message she’s sending to her young fans, through her explicit lyrics, vile dance moves and pictures on Twitter, is utterly toxic.

This poisonous pop princess should come with a government health warning.

Culled from Daily mail

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