Sunday 16 June 2013

PHOTOS: Wizkid involved in an Accident, Porsche badly damaged

This actually happened in the wee hours of yesterday. Star boy, Wizkid was involved in a car accident. And an eye witness’ report stated thus:
     AT 3:30Am me and my friends were about to leave the Nokia Lumia beat party at the Oriental hotel . As we waited for a cab it was raining all of a sudden we heard a loud noise behind us. We turn to check what has happened, right in front of our eyes we saw a car making drifts and wanting to tumble …first we had the shocking/ trilling feeling we got to actually experience such a magnificent incident… As we rushed down to check if there was any survivor all of a sudden we realized it was star boyz new porsche car with the number plate ‘W’ as we approached further the MAN OF STEEL (star boy) walks out not only saving himself but along with the girls with him lol, without any scratch or injuries..

More photos after the cut...............

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