Thursday 4 October 2012


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The first presidential debate which held last night was more intense than expected. It saw a very intelligent and bold speaking Obama, a little laid back and as expected a very loquacious and aggressive Romney, slug it down. And the public has had mixed feelings about the first presidential debate. So many people expected Obama to be out rightly out spoken like he usually is, but he literally did the opposite.

As far as who won and who lost lastnight's first debate, I have mixed feelings. Although the TV pundits seem in agreement that the more loquacious and aggressive Mitt Romney emerged the clear winner over the more taciturn and passive President Obama. (Even liberal MSNBC is condemning Obama for failing to show more fight…) Still unclear who was the overall loser after fact checking. That said, I thought Jim Lehrer lost control. (One Deadline commentator snarked, “Lehrer was the replacement ref of debate moderators.”) But at least he didn’t get in the way of the two candidates debating real substance instead of just the usual spin. (And Lehrer heard directly from Romney confirming he’ll eliminate federal funding for PBS.) As for entertainment value, however, this wonkfest was a snoozefest, without any of the expected zingers or drama.

 What are your thoughts?.................please share

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