Wednesday 17 October 2012


Welcome to Vanessa Michaels' Blog!

Prolific movie producer and director, Chico Ejiro no doubt knows his onions and is one of the pioneers of the ever growing movie industry, NOLLYWOOD.

Though talented and very professional in his display of art; he sure has his weakness........AEROPHOBIA. Just like R Kelly and a couple of other HOLLYWOOD superstars who are aerophobic, he has his fears. In a recent interview, he expressed his phobia for flying:
“I have a phobia for flying, if I am to fly tomorrow, I will lose some weight today. Before I even fly, I will drink a bottle of Red Label or Hennessy. To be candid with you, I write my will before I fly. Even to fly from Lagos to Abuja, I am dead on the plane. Most times, I enter bus to Ghana, Cameroun etc because of the fear I have for flight. I have been to America twice and I have got visa 10 times but the fear of flight hinders me from honouring the rest.” He said.


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